Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Gymnastics Recital

Warning..... Lots of pictures in this one!!!! Three kids, three events, what's a momma to do? 

The kids have done a homeschool gymnastics class for the last two years. They are learning so much. We are very thankful that they have this opportunity. 

This recital had a wild animal theme. She chose a giraffe pose for her floor routine.

She did great. L on rings.

Such a strong little guy. M's turn. 

He did a great job. This is way harder than they make it look:)

Uneven bars for sis.

She nailed it:) Floor exercises for M.

He did great. L's turn.

Awesome.... Now beam for princess. Her favorite:)

You did fantastic! Parallel bars for L. 

That looks says it all. M did great on bars too.
Metal time....

M's Piano Recital

M has taken piano all year. Hearing him play brings joy to us all. 
He played a solo piece.
And, one with his classmate. 
He had a great teacher.
Good job. We are so proud of you.

L's Birthday

L turned 6 in the Spring. We had a party with family on his Birthday! and he waited until this summer to have a swim party with friends. 

He requested a BIG chocolate strawberry cake. Well that's what he got.

Silly boys!
Now for his party this summer.... He wanted a lego party. Since we were on a break from school, we focused our creativity towards party stuff! Oh the joys of Pinterest.

We took a cereal box (from SAMs) and glued applesauce cups to the front to make a lego brick piñata.  The kids made 98% of this all by themselves. Sniff sniff..... They are getting so big!
The kids really enjoyed using their blocks for table decor:)
This was time consuming, but so worth it. Too cute. Brick shaped juice boxes:)
Chocolate covered marshmallows made to look like lego heads. Love it. 
We love this boy!

We took turns blind folding everyone. That was one strong piñata:) finally, we decided to let the birthday boy go for it!

Great party with good friends=one happy birthday boy!