With lots of things going on out of the house, we decided to make George Washington week (#9)last for 2 weeks! I will be blogging all of our activities with MFW (week#9) at the end of this week.
Here are some of the highlights from the road!
We were so blessed to have presidential candidate Herman Cain come to our town. What a great way to show the kids the process a candidate goes through in being elected.
Our next trip was to see two replicas of Columbus' ships the Nina and the Pinta. The ships were docked in Memphis this week. We took a morning tour and lunch at a near by park. Great day with friends!
We finished up soccer too!
Thank you to our awesome Daddy who coached a great season this year. We love you!
Marcus' team did not do trophies this season. Greg picked him up football kicking tee as a reward for a great season. This has become his new favorite toy:)
Me and hubs had a great day in Nashville on Saturday. We went to the Georgia/Vanderbilt game ALONE:)
The joy of homeschooling .. .. learning outside the classroom is right! The opportunities are unlimited aren't they? Glad you have fun.