In Bible we learned Matthew 1:23. Immanuel means "God with us." We learned more about the Navajo Indians. Our missionary hero was Harriet Tubman. Some of the character traits she lived out were joy, perseverance, and compassion.
We read tons of cool facts about the US. We studied more about temperate forests concentrating on the layers and what animals inhabit those layers. M made a diorama of a forest.
Want a boy to get excited about making a diorama? Tell him what an awesome back drop it would be for his lego movies!!!
We also took a field trip to the Hummingbird festival. The timing was great. We got to see the layers of the forest up close and personal. We sat in on talks about bats, hummingbirds and animals from each continent.
L volunteering to mark the map during one of the talks.
Sister getting her face painted.
Our sweet friend holding a tarantula!!! She is by far the bravest cat in our group!
Did I mention the kids got to touch a bunch of different snakes???
We found this snake skin while we were there in the bushes... So big that we tore it up and gave each kid some to take home Yuck!
What a great day! Learning at it's best:)In 1st grade we talked a lot about wisdom and how God is always available to give wisdom to those who desire it.
In Science we studied how a seed grows.
L finished his scroll of his very best handwriting. He is so proud of it. The scroll is to remind him of how God's word was written on scrolls. (They took very good care of the scrolls because if something happened to it it would have to be written all over again. )
This has been a source of excitement around our house. The boys joined lego club. It is a club that uses the Lego Education curriculum. This semester they are studying simple machines.
Whew... A lot going on around here... So it's goodbye USA and Hola Mexico for us!